How To Build A Housing Portfolio For Rental Income

There’s no question that 2020 was a roller-coaster ride for the whole world. 

Nonetheless, that doesn’t imply it passed without new opportunities for investors looking to start a substantial estate portfolio or grow their prevailing one.  

The epidemic illustrated a substantial shift in how most of us function and live, with remote work riding the change. With more people having the choice to work somewhere and searching for more space to adapt home offices, the single-family rental market was a strong area in the hard-hit real estate landscape. 

As we are halfway into 2021, the optimistic tendencies for SFRs look poised to proceed, making these an impressive alternative investment.  

Here’s what you require to assess if you want to start building a single-family housing portfolio.  


According to our research, over 60% of workers noted the epidemic has completely changed their office space. It shouldn’t appear as a big surprise: Many people, who can now work from home have utilized this shift as an alternative to relocate, particularly to somewhere they can retain more space.  

We were able to find that just over 20% of those surveyed moved because of COVID-19 or knew anyone who did, with newer adults making up most of that faction. 

Due to this, many areas globally have seen considerable community growth over the prior decade, mainly moved by millennials searching for more accessible choices and firms relocating jobs to the area. 

Many investors are now counting on that trend continuing. A Q3 2020 research indicates single-family rental occupancy ratios are at 97%, and over half of the owners cited improved leasing speeds. 

Which calls for an ideal investment opportunity for investors out there. But before you go ahead check out the next section on how to get started. 


First, we acknowledge that you must make sure to educate yourself about Single Family Rental.  

Local Real Estate Investor Associations can be of assistance to understand real estate investment opportunities. 

Understanding prevailing opportunities and networking with contracts and investors around, will help you understand your goals which are very fundamental for SRF.   

From there, you can analyze your choices in terms of rent, or utilities, and structure your plan.  

For several single-family investors, the objective is to rent the house out for a long duration. As with anything, there are some positives and negatives to understand before you dive in. 

 The advantages can comprise constant monthly cash flow from rent, possible tax benefits, and improved home value. 

As for the disadvantage, you must be prepared to deal with all the upkeeps.  

However, If you are thinking about how or why you plan to get into residential investing, there are some key areas to think about before you start. 

 1. Look At The Fundamentals 

For several prospective Single-Family Rental investors, the first consideration is understanding how much you’ll be receiving in rent every month (that amount can oversee everything). 

In these cases, characteristics such as location, proximity to public transportation or walkability, and space comprising a yard, deck, or other characteristics can affect rent.  

You’ll have to think about all of these components. 

“When browsing a property, the first thing you need to infer is how much you are taking off to be able to rent it for,” told Brittany Hovsepian, holder of The Expert Home Buyers, a real estate investment corporation in the Central Savannah River Area.  

After you have a common impression of how much you can pay for and get back in rent, your business is only starting up. You’ll also need to evaluate all the other expenditures implicated with property holding. 

We presume you must begin by inferring taxes, insurance, property management, opening, and any utilities that the holder is credible for.  

The continuing amount will give you a rough measure of what kind of earnings and cash flow you’ll require every month. 

 2. Figure Out Your Finances 

An essential consideration is “how you are planning to reimburse” for these investments. Some investors utilize cash, but buying a mortgage is also an alternative. 

We believe financing for an investment property is not as impossible as one may believe, particularly if they have a poor debt-to-income percentage to start with. 

“Lenders are commonly thinking about if 6 months cash on hand to be prepared to pay back the mortgage in case you have a setback in renters”. Another important expense is insurance. “Don’t under-insure”. 

Discuss with your insurance provider about your alternatives, particularly potential liability, to insure yourself against claims and suits, he enlarged. 

Something else several investors consider is shaping a Limited Liability Company.  

It’s a company entity that can give some liability protection as well as probable tax advantages. Nonetheless, it may not be a promising alternative for some investors, particularly those just beginning. 

We have noted that while LLCs can furnish extra layers of protection, constructing an LLC has upfront expenses and fees. Besides, obtaining financing through an LLC can be riskier. 

We were surprised by how restricted some alternatives were when people first bought a property with an LLC. Back then, an LLC can potentially make purchasing an investment property riskier, it can derail a few of the first-time investors. 

 3. Consider Property Management 

Another expense some investors will expect to consider is property administration. If you scheme to keep your property for the extended term and rent it out, you’ll have to put up with everything, from finding residents to repairs.  

Property management corporations can assist, with a payment. I’d imply that even if you plan on putting up with the care of most of the repairs yourself, you must comprise a property management fee in your allotment.  

You have the alternative if required without chopping into your revenue. Being sure of your free time and level of handiness, a property manager may be worth it.  

Something else property administrators can advise you about is tenant connections. “Collecting rent and evicting residents is the toughest portion”. “If you’re thinking about self-manage, be very common with your local landlord-tenant laws.” 

 4. Make The Right Choice For You 

However, if you’re a new investor or somebody who is searching to modify their portfolio, the residential market is capable of attention. With a transition in demand associated with modifications in the workforce, there’s potential for investors. The key is operating the amounts and inferring the best option for your needs. 


With something for everyone, there are various directions to capitalize in real estate.  

Nonetheless, for those glancing to accumulate long-term income by accumulating one investment property into several, the initial rule is understanding how to create a real estate portfolio.  

Finally, how to begin housing investment falls to an investor’s all-around end goal, as the financing opportunities they obtain will authorize their path to achieving it. Start with looking for some basic factors such as taxes, insurance, or property management fees. Moreover, moving forward with financing, property management, think about what is really demanded and needed in the market.